2023 Conference Information & Now Offering APPA’s Supervisor Toolkit

2023 Conference Information & Now Offering APPA’s Supervisor Toolkit

Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois

Western Illinois University was founded in 1899. The land for the university was donated to the state of Illinois by Macomb’s Freemasons (Illinois Lodge #17). Macomb was in direct competition with Quincy, Illinois, and other candidates as the site for a “western” university. The Illinois legislature selected Macomb as the location.

The university’s name has changed twice since its foundation as the Western Illinois State Teachers College in 1899: the school was first renamed Western Illinois State Teachers College in 1921 and then to Western Illinois University in 1967.

Today, the Macomb campus consists of 53 buildings over 1,050 acres. Sherman Hall is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Western’s presence in the Quad Cities spans more than 40 years.

APPA’s Supervisor Toolkit Training Registration — Closing March 7th at Noon.

Supervisor Toolkit Registration

March 13-15, 2023: APPA’s Supervisor’s Toolkit Training has been specifically designed to meet the needs of the facilities management professional.  It is a structured, open-ended, and pragmatic approach to developing supervisors. 

It is not so much a teaching program as a development process, designed to help supervisors realize both personal and professional growth. The program has been newly designed as a full three days of training.  This is not your typical training. Join us for a fun engaging training with a Facilitator that works in Facilities Management just like you do.

Breakfast and Lunch each day as well as the 3-Day Training are all included in the price of $350.00 per person. This program is regularly $800/person.

Training Agenda

Mon/Tues. March 13 & 14: START 7:45 am – END 4:45 pm 

  • Breakfast served at 7:00 am
  • Coffee, water, soda and snacks available throughout the day
  • Lunch served at 11:30 am, Class restarts at 12 noon
  • Dinner on your own 

Wed. March 15: START 7:45 am – END 12 noon

  • Breakfast served at 7:00 am
  • Lunch served at 12 Noon
  • ILAPPA Annual Conference kicks off at 1:00 pm*
  • Certificates Presented During the Conference

* Please make sure to register for both the Training and the Conference

March 15-16, 2023 | University Union at Western Illinois University

This year, ILAPPA is running 2 tracks:
Track 1 – Professional Leadership & Track 2 – Facilities Administration
Some of the topics included on the Updated Agenda:

Professional Leadership | Facilities Administration | Decarbonization
Preparing for the Unimaginable | Supervisory Training
Design, Build Projects | Planning/Building a Design, Bid, Build Projects

In addition to the sessions on Wednesday & Thursday, there will be a Networking Reception on Wednesday evening that you won’t want to miss!

As always, without our sponsors, this event would not be COMPLIMENTARY for the Attendees. Please make sure to introduce yourself to them and find out how they can make your job easier at your institution. Sponsors REGISTER HERE!

Thank You to Our SPONSORS:

PLATINUM: CatchBox | IMEG | CORE Construction

GOLD: Mitsubishi Electric Trane HVAC US | Kone

SILVER: Spirotherm | BMS CAT | Precision Concrete Cutting | Traka / Assa Abloy | Belfor
KONE | Big Belly Solar | Hanson Professional Service, Inc. | Sunbelt Rentals | McKinstry
TMA Systems | Western Specialty Contractors

Hotel Information: 3/15/23

Quality Inn: 1646 N. Lafayette St. Macomb – 309-837-2220
Discounted Rates starting at $89
Click HERE to make reservation at Quality Inn Macomb
If additional nights are needed please call the Macomb location directly and ask for ILAPPA rate

Best Western
1655 E. Jackson St. Macomb | 309-836-6700
Discounted Rates starting at $91
March 2023 ILAPPA Group Block
Click HERE to make reservations at Best Western Macomb
If additional nights are needed please call the Macomb location directly and ask for ILAPPA rate

Hampton Inn
1639 E. Jackson St. Macomb | 309-837-6000
Discounted Rates starting at $130
Click HERE to make reservations at Hampton Inn Macomb
If additional nights are needed please call the Macomb location directly and ask for WIU BUSINESS AND PROFESSORS rate

University Union Hotel
WIU Campus
Discounted rates starting at $78
Please call 309-298-2421(on line reservations cannot be made)
Use code 230315001- ILAPPA Conference