Conference Hosting

Conference Hosting

Interested in hosting a Spring ILAPPA Conference?

Illinois APPA (ILAPPA) is an organization composed of public and private higher education facility officers. The State organization is affiliated with the regional and national APPA organizations. School members pay a membership fee to the national organization. Business partners can also pay a membership fee to the national organization. ILAPPA does not have a dues structure for the education members or business partners. ILAPPA is governed by an executive committee that is elected by its members.

The primary purpose of ILAPPA is to have a forum for higher education facility officers in the State of Illinois to learn and share information of common interest that relate to their roles in physical plant administration. This is accomplished by having a yearly conference in early spring. The conference location rotates between the Illinois institutions and is managed by both the ILAPPA board members and the host school.

We have outlined some of the ILAPPA Conference Responsibilities.